He fun and fair play race of sports fans

The sports fan race has started. It is unthinkable in a space for a football player to face a tennis player in a competition. Likewise, in a test,
that a golf player faces a player from another sport, or each uses movement and rules respectively. It is impossible to imagine such a case.

Sport Driver® finds a common element which ties several sports disciplines together. The sphere which is the geometric shape of the balls of several sports.
An innovation is taking place to put sports fans on an equal footing with this unique Sport Driver® concept. This will bring together in one place, several sports fans to tease for fun. The new radio-controlled car race or dedicated sports video game is launched in a new category.
Sports fans will stay. Football as well as golf, tennis, basketball, cricket, baseball, US football and rugby are all sports where fans come together to race with fair play.